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Foster a Dog

Many of the dogs that we work with are kept in dire conditions prior to coming to the UK and are in need of emergency foster care.

As soon as we identify a dog in need of our help we try to place them in foster care.

In these situations the availability of a foster placement for a short time is often what allows us to save a dogs life.

Most of our dogs go on to be homed very quickly.

Please apply below if you would like to register as a foster and save a dog in need.

Adopt a Dog

Rehoming a dog is a carefully handled process. We need to make sure we find the right owner for the dog and the right dog for your home.

If you are interested in adopting any of our dogs please contact us with the details of the dog you are interested in.

Please note that everyone wanting to rescue a dog will need to receive a full home check.

Easy Fundraising

Easyfundraising.org.uk is a great way to raise money for charities, schools, sports clubs, community groups, and other good causes just by shopping online.

You don’t pay anything extra.

Simply sign up at the website and raise money for Rehoming Cyprus Pointers while shopping online.

Host a fundraiser

What can you do? Fundraising can be something as simple as having a coffee morning. Below are some simple ideas.

  • Coffee mornings
  • Car boot or garage sale
  • Organise a dog walk
  • Cake Sale

There are many other ideas.

Leads, collars, dog coats/jumpers

We are always desperate for supplies of leads, collars and dog coats / jumpers. We take second hand items.

So if you are about to throw out an old lead, collar or dog coat / jumper then think about donating them to us rather than throwing them away. Every little counts.

Sponsor a dog

Maybe you could consider sponsoring one of our many dogs?

Some people offer a small monthly donation to help keep a dog safe and secure.